
To remove the Hoyle / Broderbund / Conduit Toolbar:

  1. Click the Windows Start button
  2. Click Control Panel
  3. Click Add/Remove Programs (Windows XP) -or- Click Programs/Features (Windows Vista / Windows 7)
  4. Locate "Hoyle Toolbar" or "Broderbund Toolbar" or "Conduit Toolbar" from the list of programs and click it
  5. Click Change/Remove (Windows XP) -or- Click Uninstall/Change (Windows Vista / Windows 7)
  6. Select yes when asked if you would like to remove the toolbar
  7. Select to continue using the default search engine you were previously using if/when prompted
  8. Close the internet browser window that appears during the uninstall process


To change your internet browser Home Page:


For Internet Explorer:

  1. Click tools (If using Windows 7 - Press alt on the keyboard first)
  2. Click Internet Options
  3. In the field labeled "home page" remove the URL information there and type in the URL you wish to use as your internet browser home page
  4. Click apply


For Firefox

  1. Click tools
  2. Click options
  3. In the field labeled "home page" remove the URL information there and type in the URL you wish to use as your internet browser home page
  4. Click ok