Please note - the following information is provided As- Is. If you have any questions regarding the operation  of the functions below, consult Apple Support for assistance.  

When installing a Mac OS  Product, you may receive a message that says "You must be logged in as root to install the program"

Starting with Mac OS Catalina, customers may experience as tighter than normal security routine to the Mac  OS Operating system. 

Apple has programmed this by design and is not reflective of our products in any way.

Should you experience this issue, please access the following support article from Apple:

This article will explain everything you need to enable the root user on your system and allow access to install your application. 

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please consult a computer professional or Apple support for assistance. Encore is not able to assist by phone for this error.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for choosing Broderbund and Encore Software products.