If you encountering the error below please follow the instructions provided.

  1. Switch user accounts to the admin user
    1. Click Start
    2. Click log off
    3. Choose the Administrator account
  2. Navigate to the directory
    1. Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\*AdminUserName*\Local Settings\Application Data
      1. Click Start
      2. Left Click My Computer
      3. Double Click on the (C:) Drive
      4. Double click on the folder Documents and Settings
      5. Double click on the Administrator’s user name folder
      6. Double Click Local Settings
      7. Double Click Application Data
    2. Vista / 7 – C:\Users\*AdminUserName*\AppData\Local
      1. Click Start
      2. Left Click Computer
      3. Double Click on the (C:) Drive
      4. Double click on the folder User's
      5. Double click on the Administrator’s user name folder
      6. Double Click Application Data
      7. Double Click Local Settings
  3. Copy the StoryRock Folder
    1. Right Click on the folder
    2. Left Click copy
  4. Navigate to the directory
    1. Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\*BrokenUserName*\Local Settings\Application Data
      1. Click Start
      2. Left Click My Computer
      3. Double Click on the (C:) Drive
      4. Double click on the folder Documents and Settings
      5. Double click on the Broken user’s user name folder
      6. Double Click Local Settings
      7. Double Click Application Data
    2. Vista / 7 – C:\Users\*BrokenUserName*\AppData\Local
      1. Click Start
      2. Left Click Computer
      3. Double Click on the (C:) Drive
      4. Double click on the folder Users
      5. Double click on the Broken user’s user name folder
      6. Double Click AppData
      7. Double Click Local Settings
  5. Paste the StoryRock Folder here
    1. Right Click on an empty area in the folder
    2. Left Click Paste
    3. If you are prompted that the folder already exists click Yes to All to replace the existing folders and files
  6. Close all open Windows and switch back to the User account which was not working.
    1. Click Start
    2. Click Log Off
    3. Log in as the Broken User account
  7. Start The PrintMaster program.

At this point the program should open and function properly for both the Admin user and the 2nd user on this computer.