How to use the Microsoft Windows 11 Media Creation Tool to upgrade to Windows 11:

Please download and install the Media Creation Tool from the following link.

First open the attached “MediaCreationTool

Then click on “Yes

After clicking on” Yes” the following screen will appear and it will take few seconds for “Getting a few things ready

After few seconds the following screen will come and you will need to click on “Accept” here

After few second the following screen will appear and will take few seconds for “Getting a few things ready

After few seconds the following screen will appear and you will need to just click “Next” here

After this the following screen will come and here you will choose the “ISO File” radio button and then click on “Next

After this the following screen will appear and system will ask where do you want to download the ISO. So, give it to a location where do you want to save or download the ISO file. After choosing a location click on “Save

After this the next step will take some time and Download Windows 11

After this the system will “Verifying your Download


After verifying your window 11 download the “Windows 11 media” will create and it will take some time

After creating the windows 11 Media the following screen will appear. Here click on “Finish


After this the following screen will come and it will take few seconds

After this locate that location where you downloaded the ISO file and “Mount”it


After clicking on “mount” the following windows will open and here you will need to run the “setup

After running the “Setup” the following screen will come and here you will need to click on “Yes

After this the following screen will appear and here you will need to click on just “Next

After this the following screen will appear and it will take few seconds for “Getting Updates”

After this the following screen will come and here you will need to Accept the license agreement

After this the following screen will come and it will take some time for “Checking Updates

After this the upgrade will be ready to install, so please click on “Install” here

After clicking on “Next” the windows 11 installation or upgrading will start and it will take some time.

You will need to wait here, Windows 11 installation or upgrade will take some time here

Now the window installation will work on updates. So please wait here.


After complete installation of updates, the windows startup screen will appear.

When windows startup screen will come, then you will need to “sign in” in your system.


Note: After the above process or steps please reinstall The Print Shop 23.1 and launch the App from Desktop shortcut icon.

I hope your issues related to The Print Shop 23.1 will be resolved
