
Fingerprint Mismatch-Error 209


A computers Fingerprint is an identification marker that is made up of information from your computers hardware and software. When changes occur to either the hardware or the software (including security updates, operating system updates or upgrades or ISP address) the registration of the program will return the Error 209 as the Fingerprint that was present during install does not match the current fingerprint of the computer. 

To resolve this, the software needs to be reset or cleaned. Clicking next on the Error page will produce a new window with a Request code displayed at the top. You will need to submit request code in an online support request, so that a activation code can be generated. The activation code will be used to reset/clean your programs registration and allow for the program to launch properly upon restart. 

***********IMPORTANT UPDATE*************

If you are receiving this error, you will still need to follow the steps above. However, once back in your program an Update is available that will eliminate this issue.  Select Current version from the Help menu in the program and download and install the update.  On a MAC you will need to choose to replace your current program when prompted. A PC install will automatically overwrite the existing program.